Tag: What Ever Happened To [ … ]

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What Ever Happened To […] #1005

What Ever Happened To […] #1005

[Freshly, or UNfreshly, back from my special “treat to beat my feet on the Mississippi MUD,” I feel UNspired today to rap about PAVEMENT–and thank the good load for it, too! And thanks otherwise to today’s listserv chatterings on this very topic as well. ;-] The Reagan Administraction Presents… WHAT EVER HAPPENED TO [“Road Races”]...

What Ever Happened To […] #1004

What Ever Happened To […] #1004

  [Oh joy, oh rapture! It must be Bad Joke Friday again. Firstly, I’d like to thank all you most excellent peeps who’ve been so helpful, both in public and private, and sympathetic with my pathetic titanium tribulations with trying to sync my titanic new Macintosh machine. Thank you. And, secondly, I will get back...

What Ever Happened To […] #1003

What Ever Happened To […] #1003

  The Washington Administraction Presents… WHAT EVER HAPPENED TO [“Pen and Paper”] ? So, what in this world is ever happening to pen and paper? That’s right, the implements by which the chronicling of civilization on this planet has forever been accomplished. Do we mean to say these tried-and-true tools are OBSOLETE? All paper disappears–including...

What Ever Happened To […] #1002

What Ever Happened To […] #1002

The Reagan Administraction Presents… WHAT EVER HAPPENED TO [“The Poor Man’s Sport”] ? So, what in the whirl of marketing wizardry has ever happened to “the Poor Man’s Sport”? You know, the sport where all it ever took was (yes) gym shoes, white socks, sweats and sweat band, a dial wristwatch, and out the door...

What Ever Happened To […] #1001

What Ever Happened To […] #1001

  [Happy Day, Friends and Playmates and Hopeless Romantics All! Today in honor of “Bad Joke Friday” we wish to launch a whole new Bad, or Joke, or Pre-weakened Festivity. We wish to call it WEHT (with numbers doubtless heading into the thousands, hence the number). And we also want to say that this whole...

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