Tag: What Ever Happened To [ … ]

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What Ever Happened To […] #1025

What Ever Happened To […] #1025

  [Welcome back to Bad Joke or–as I’ve been thinking lately–Negativity Friday. First, in other news of the universe, I see that next summer’s “Last Annual” Vol-State Road Race is now COMPLETELY FULL! The projected field will be expanded by nearly triple, and it only took three weeks from the end of the 2013 version...

What Ever Happened To […] #1024

What Ever Happened To […] #1024

  [Awhile ago, somebuddy or somebunny noted–along with his or her training regimen, specimen, preferences, Garmin trackings, VO2-max vs. HR-extremities, nutritional intake vs. wastage outpour, etc., etc., etc., and, oh yeah, complete lists of all the races he or she has ever run vs. all the upcoming races he or she fully intends to do–that...

What Ever Happened To […] #1023

What Ever Happened To […] #1023

  [There seems to be some recent concern/inquiry/puzzlement over women runners who have attempted The Barkley Marathons–yea, woe yea–“the race that eats its young” (perhaps answering the inquiries right there). All those lovely young (hey, they are ALL young AND gorgeous) women runners were eaten. Yup! Hardbitten, chewy, and swallowed. And every single one of...

What Ever Happened To […] #1022

What Ever Happened To […] #1022

[It doesn’t seem much like it today, but Happy Bad Joke Friday anyway! Here’s one I just heard (actually saw online) that may even pertain (to much of the country): “It’s so cold today, I actually saw a Democrat with his hands in his own pockets.” 😉 I should sell that one to… whichever of...

What Ever Happened To […] #1021

What Ever Happened To […] #1021

  [“Blade Gunner”? So, eh? Whatever happened to Oscar Pistorius? Got Pist once too often? Or ‘e yuss… forgot who he was living with? What the roommate smelled like even? What??? He “thinks” he’s being invaded by some UNKNOWN INTRUDER at o’dark-thirty in the mourning WHO LETS HERSELF IN WITH A KEY??? He then EMPTIES...

What Ever Happened To […] #1020

What Ever Happened To […] #1020

[Hey! We’re all still alive today! So, welcome to BJF–and I mean, REALLY Bad Joke Friday. Damn Mayo (Mayonnaise?) peeps had us BS’d for over a thousand years. Or, something like that. Of course, I’m 800 and don’t remember. I never did pay any mind to “Mayans,” although methinks someone just re-minded that “Maya” is...

What Ever Happened To […] #1019

What Ever Happened To […] #1019

  [Welcome to Bad Joke Friday, and to antiquity. Today’s joke, or rather subject matter, has to do with something we all were born with–some of us a loooong long time ago. Our ancestors were born with it (them) too. It’s hard to say just who was in power when that scene all changed, but...

What Ever Happened To […] #1018

What Ever Happened To […] #1018

  [Hello again! After all this *time*! Where did it go? Where does time ever go? Maybe it was never here to begin with! In any event, since it–once again–seems to be Friday and therefore full of jokes, bad or otherwise, AND since the running and ultrarunning communities have just received word that our beloved...

What Ever Happened To […] #1017

What Ever Happened To […] #1017

[Good Aftermourning, my fiends! Hey, it’s almost Halloween; and so, boos & ghouls, y’all must be “fiends,” eh? Anyway, again it’s Bad Joke Friday and I have nothing for ya. Which is precisely why I’m upchucking the following instead. Happy All Hallows’ Eve, everyone! And wherever you’re running tomorrow, just remember: I won’t be running...

What Ever Happened To […] #1016

What Ever Happened To […] #1016

  [Welcome again to Bad Joke Friday, hey? Anybody got one, besides “Lance”? Sorry to say last week’s entry in this particular category had to be postponed, on account of me riding the highway then at this time; just like, uh, in those immortal words of one Jim Morrison: “Ride the highway east, baby. The...

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