Tag: What Ever Happened To [ … ]

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What Ever Happened To […] #1035

What Ever Happened To […] #1035

[Happy Mothers’ Day to all the, um, non-rolled-reefer “mothers” out there! Back in my day, we used to find small groups to sit around and say, “Fire that mother up!” But we weren’t talking about human motherhood. Which reminds: Does “Happy Mothers’ Day” include the entire mammalian kingdom as well? Don’t wolves, for example, have...

What Ever Happened To […] #1034

What Ever Happened To […] #1034

[Good Mourning. Everybody broke? Has Uncle Sam taken his hands out of your pockets yet? How about your state’s taxing paws? Here in Illy-noise, we have a legislature that: long ago promised lottery money would go towards education, tollway revenues would fix all the roads, and more recently claimed that the state is suddenly too...

What Ever Happened To […] #1033

What Ever Happened To […] #1033

[Welcome back, to me, from parts unknown. Literally. In fact, I’ve just returned from parts unknown even, and especially, to myself. You might never have known them either and, for now (on the advice of counsel), we should keep them that way. Oh, and the other (dang lousy SOB’n) thing that’s been lancing the “free”...

What Ever Happened To […] #1032

What Ever Happened To […] #1032

[“And the ‘hits’ just keep on comin’….” “Hits” on websites and Twitter, I suppose. Hello, everyone, and welcome to another 24 hours of Bad Joke Friday! Which, without further ado, brings us right to today’s topic. OK, joke. Maybe even bad joke! But this has all played out recently in various chat rooms, on ultrarunning...

What Ever Happened To […] #1031

What Ever Happened To […] #1031

[Happy–or at least less miserable–New Year, Everyone! It’s been awhile since we’ve rolled down our sleeves and written anything for the Internet. (Or is it World Wide Web, and, if so, what’s the difference? That’s something I never could figure out. It was supposedly invented by Al Gore? But I haven’t been able to figure...

What Ever Happened To […] #1030

What Ever Happened To […] #1030

[Good Aftermourning, “all you groovy guys and groovy gals!” (as they used to say, oh, by now it seems like centuries ago). The “mourning” part has to do with my recent discoveries of rampant unfairness and lack of integrity in our sport, and in running/racing in general. But no, further research is required so I...

What Ever Happened To […] #1029

What Ever Happened To […] #1029

[Happy “Bad,” everyone! As in, today is “Bad Joke Friday” once more. And the chatter lately all throughout our little whirled of ultradom has been abuzz with bad jokes having nothing to do with ultrarunning. Everything from hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia (fear of bib number 666 😉 to James Earl Ray’s old Brushy Mountain Penitentiary being turned into...

What Ever Happened To […] #1028

What Ever Happened To […] #1028

[Hello-everyone-and-happy-bad-joke-Friday. OK, that’s out of the way. Now I can get off my chest what’s REALLY bothering me, besides the shirt. Today’s little rankle is about raceday. But first, how do you spell it? Is it “race day,” “race-day,” or “raceday”? Or maybe “Raceday,” “RaceDay,” or “Du Jour des Runnique a la Asses Off?” I’ve...

What Ever Happened To […] #1027

What Ever Happened To […] #1027

[Good After-Morning to all of my friends, acquaintances, fellow Listservites and Listswervians, and to only a few of my sworn enemies. (You don’t know who you are. 🙂 Today is another BJF (Bad Joke Friday) and I’m just getting started. What prompted this little treatise today was this, as was, I believe, first posted on...

What Ever Happened To […] #1026

What Ever Happened To […] #1026

  [Is it Bad Joke Friday? Again? Already?? Well, here’s something I recently thought of that nobody cares about: water bottles. Right. The lowly, lowly water bottle. And why did I ever have my head so low in the first place as to think up such down-in-the-pumps type stuff? (Don’t ask. It’s been an emotionally...

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