What Ever Happened To […] #1035

What Ever Happened To […] #1035

[Happy Mothers’ Day to all the, um, non-rolled-reefer “mothers” out there! Back in my day, we used to find small groups to sit around and say, “Fire that mother up!” But we weren’t talking about human motherhood. Which reminds: Does “Happy Mothers’ Day” include the entire mammalian kingdom as well? Don’t wolves, for example, have...

What Ever Happened To […] #1018

What Ever Happened To […] #1018

  [Hello again! After all this *time*! Where did it go? Where does time ever go? Maybe it was never here to begin with! In any event, since it–once again–seems to be Friday and therefore full of jokes, bad or otherwise, AND since the running and ultrarunning communities have just received word that our beloved...

What Ever Happened To […] #1016

What Ever Happened To […] #1016

  [Welcome again to Bad Joke Friday, hey? Anybody got one, besides “Lance”? Sorry to say last week’s entry in this particular category had to be postponed, on account of me riding the highway then at this time; just like, uh, in those immortal words of one Jim Morrison: “Ride the highway east, baby. The...

What Ever Happened To […] #1015

What Ever Happened To […] #1015

  [So, in response to probably what nobody ever asked–like, what ever happened to What Ever Happened To?–What Ever Happened To is back. Which reminds me of an old “English Major” joke: Punctuate the following so that it makes perfect sense: John while Jim had had had had had had had had had had had...

What Ever Happened To […] #1014

What Ever Happened To […] #1014

  [Oh my heavings! Just LOOKIT what’s goin’ down deze daze. Our listservs totally have been *Alive with the Sound of Musings*. Or rather, of dismay… and argument and integument (sports heroes “covering up”) and all kinds of other bewailments and gnashings of teeth over all sorts of unseemly sportspeeps. I don’t want to have...

What Ever Happened To […] #1013

What Ever Happened To […] #1013

    [Good Afternoon, or Evening, or whatever it is. Happy Friday the Thirteen and “The Return of Jason inside that damned hockey goalie’s mask”! Nah, I just mean the return of yours troubly after such a long absence that I don’t even know when I wrote y’all last. Maybe just before the Civil War....

What Ever Happened To […] #1012

What Ever Happened To […] #1012

  [Grittings and salivations, alla you gah-groovy guys an’ groovy gals! And welcome back (me)–although your opinion may vary–from “vacation” to “Bad Joke Fridays” in general and to this weakly offering in particular. Since some of said vacation involved traipsing around Mayan ruins near Cancun, Mexico, I was thinking: “Whoa! This week’s topic oughta be...

What Ever Happened To […] #1011

What Ever Happened To […] #1011

  [In keeping with, or trying to restore, “the spirit of Bad Joke Fridays,” I’ve decided to chip in the following “take” on all these currently wildly exotic–and damned expensive!–versions of excursions that equally wildly exotic race directors are now concocting. Never mind just Badwater and MdS, now sullenly we have this: http://g2gultra.com/. Click on...

What Ever Happened To […] #1010

What Ever Happened To […] #1010

  [So. Here I was all set to post up yet another abomination of rhetoric, language, and good taste, when WHAM: I spied an email in my Inbox from Tim Butterfield. And OMG! This has entirely forced me to change plans, scrap the rhetoric, and concoct new “language.” Right. And, yes, I do want to...

What Ever Happened To […] #1009

What Ever Happened To […] #1009

  [And now to try and go back to take up the slack…] The Lincoln Administraction Presents… WHAT EVER HAPPENED TO [“After You”] ? Because today, it’s all ME. Me first! You AFTER me! What I get out of life is most important to ME! Not you. The heck with YOU! It’s like “me radio.”...

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