Bud Light presents… REAL MEN OF GENIUS {Re-al men of geeeeeene-yuss} Today we salute you, Mr. Enterprising Young Silk Screener and T-Shirt Maker Who Can’t Spell. {Mis-ter “it cerrrrrrrr-tain-ly LOOKED-like-that on the Innnnnn-terrrrrr-net”!} “Graitful Dead”? “Pottle Morerain”? “Runing is a fart form”? And how about that nice ultra quotation emblazoned across the back authored by...
Real Men/Women of Genius #74
[Happy Hanukkah, y’all! So, like, to counterbalance allah dys negativity (heh heh) I’ve been trying to send everyone my other “positivity” this week (actually just since sundown on Dec. 1st), but wow–in only a year’s time–everybody’s e-addy has changed! So, what the hell, if you didn’t get your “invitation,” just log onto the following for...
Real Men/Women of Genius #73
[There were lots of pretty snarky–and clever!–comments posted to the Ultralist this past week which, of course, inspired the following snarky commentary.) Thanks, snarks!] Bud Light presents… REAL MEN OF GENIUS {Re-al men of geeeeeene-yuss} Today we salute you, Mr. Totally Too-Kewl Hyper-savvy Psychobabbling Technospeaking Running Shoe Store Salesman. {Mis-ter “I’m-not-jus’-sel-ling-hou-ses-for-your-run-ning-feet, I’m en-clooooo-sing your whole...
Real Men/Women of Genius #72
[Indeed, our friend Juli Aistars again gets credit for suggesting this as the second half of her RM/WoG idea submitted last week. Thanks, kiddo! And good luck to her and to every other mother and body else who’s currently resting up for the “next/umpteenth annual Mother Road 100-miler” which leaves its latest OK truckstop tomorrow...
Real Men/Women of Genius #71
[Default Article Image][Today, after having blown off “Positivity Wednesday” because, really–after THAT election?–does anyone out there actually think that anything positive whatsoever can now possibly be done? Anyway, today we’re back to normal, and I’m indebted to our friend Juli Aistars for suggesting today’s topic. In my opinion, it puts squarely outside on the trails...
Real Men/Women of Genius #70
[This one’s not so much to do with running, as with writing about it, which is another pet peeve of yours, eh? Me writing about it all the time! 🙂 Grate dais ever body! And Happy All Hallows’ Eve!!] Bud Light presents… REAL MEN OF GENIUS {Re-al men of geeeeeene-yuss} Today we salute you, Mr....
Real Men/Women of Genius #69
[Per still more recently appertaining Ultralist threads… :] Bud Light presents… REAL MEN OF GENIUS {Re-al men of geeeeeene-yuss} Today we salute you, Mr. Power Tools User and Remedier for All Your Foot and Toenail Woes. {Mis-ter “myyy cord-less e-lec-tric hedge trimmm-mer works just fine!!”} It’s too bad we don’t see more Black & Deckers...
Real Men/Women of Genius #68
[Per recent Ultralist appertaining threads… :] Bud Light presents… REAL MEN OF GENIUS {Re-al men of geeeeeene-yuss} Today we salute you, Mr. Pitifully Worried Runner That All Others In The Race Are “Getting Some” Except You. {Mis-ter “noo-bo-dy loves me, ev’ry-bod-y hates me, I’mmm gon-na-eat-some-wormmms!”} Sure. You’re looking around while you run. You spy that...
Real Men/Women of Genius #67
[Happy “BJF,” all! I’m so tempted to borrow Marvelous Marv’s phrase (“seedy underbelly?”) and Laz’s “con-man & hustler” for use today in describing our genius and/or such sociology as such labels might well represent, but no. I’m stickin’ to more tangible phenomena. I’ve witnessed stuff like the following myself…] Bud Light presents… REAL MEN OF...
Real Men/Women of Genius #66
Bud Light presents… REAL MEN OF GENIUS {Re-al men of geeeeeene-yuss} Today we salute you, Mr. Super-Popular Limited-Entry Ultramarathon Race Director That Refuses to Go To A Lottery. {Mis-ter “It’s STILLLLL a fairrrr sys-stem of on-line ennnnnn-try!”} So, this year your entire field was filled in, what, less than six minutes? You get an annual...