[Today I have a plumber fixing LEAKS downstairs which naturally, uh, reminded me of this :] Bud Light presents… REAL MEN OF GENIUS {Re-al men of geeeeeene-yuss!} Today we salute you, Mr. NYC Marathon Starter on the Verrazano-Narrows Bridge Upper Deck and Pee-er. {“Ittttt’s like my eeeeeeeeee-mer-gen-cy esssssssssss-scape valve!”} Relieving yourself, are you? Feelin’ better?...
Real Men/Women of Genius #104
[Hmmm…so now it seems we’re suddenly in “marathon season”? Well now, ain’t THAT a sweet source of sullen inspiration…] Bud Light presents… REAL MEN OF GENIUS {Re-al men of geeeeeene-yuss!} Today we salute you, Mr. Handheld Backwards-Riding Motorcycle Television Filmer of Big City Marathons. {Yoooooooooou ride bettttt-ttttttter than Ca-lam-mitttt-ty Jane!} You’re just the man, aren’t...
Real Men/Women of Genius #103
[Continuing along with this week’s “tradition” of peeps nominating other peeps for “the treatment,” we, uh, now have the following, um, “thing” as nominated or suggested by someone who wishes to remain anonymous. Can’t blame the person. I’d do this anonymously, too, but then peeps would start recognizing *me* all over this as being the...
Real Men/Women of Genius #102
Bud Light presents… REAL MEN OF GENIUS {Re-al men of geeeeeene-yuss!} Today we salute you, Mr. Running No-Doubt Morally Superior Holier-Than-Thou. {“Whaaaaat ARRRRRRRRRE you wri-ting here? Thisss is an out-raaaaaaaaaaaaaage!”} Sense of humor? Please. There is no humor in the church of mine-holeyer-than-your-butt-is. How is it possible even to chuckle at the foibles of humanity...
Real Men/Women of Genius #101
Ingelhook Wineries present… REAL WOMEN OF GENIUS {Re-al gals of geeeeeene-yuss!} Today we raise our glass to you, Miss Most Knowledgeable Running Hair Arranger, Except For The Wedding. {Missss “I reeeeeeeeally need-toooooooo-look-my-best, jussssssssst once!”} You did say that the very best hair style for women runners is NO hair practically at all, right? You first...
Real Men/Women of Genius #100
[R-mog and/or R-m/wog is late today, sorry, on accounta WAY MORE IMPORTANT and IMPRESSIVE reportings of REAL achievements. Like, dig: Lisa Bliss is now the first-woman-EVER to run an entire solo/unaided Badwater-like crossing from the lowest point of elevation within these 48 contiguous United States to the highest point (Mt. Whitney)–a HOT Death Valley distance...
Real Men/Women of Genius #99
Bud Light presents… REAL MEN OF GENIUS {Re-al men of geeeeeene-yuss!} Today we salute you, Mr. Really, Really BAD “Bad Joke Friday” Listserv Poster. {Waaaaaaaas it some-thing you-saw-in-the-Mennnnnnnnnnnnnn’s Roooom?} OK, what is it this week: Off-color? Politically incorrect? Slurringly racial? Totally insensitive to the international community and/or “peeps” of other orientations, faiths, creeds, zeals, shades...
Real Men/Women of Genius #98 [No, that’s not an error or misprint]
[We are sad today to report a case of old-age, dementia, or fallout from last month’s trip to Tennessee and its completely infamous Vol-State Road Rage–oops, I mean Road Race. By so sojourning, it seemed that yours troubly could no longer COUNT the RM/WoG sequence from before he left till after he returned, and thus...
Real Men/Women of Genius #97
Bud Light presents… REAL MEN OF GENIUS {Re-al men of geeeeeene-yuss!} Today we salute you, Mr. First-Time-Ever Crew Person for a Very Competitive Ultrarunner. {Yoooooooooooou’re gon-na be a paaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack muuuuule!!} What could be easier, right? You drive the van; she (or he, of course) runs the race. All’s you figure you need to do is...
Real Men/Women of Genius #96
[Caution: This in no way refers to our most beloved newest newlywed Paige Dunmore, who *may* have misperceived some sort of “veiled threat” (ha ha) that on this particular Friday she might find herself being written about here. But no. She is much too young. But–if she continues to plan anything running-club-related like she handled...