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Troubadoings is a website that tries to prove the illogic of the age-old adage that: If websites didn’t already exist, it would be necessary to invent them. Certainly it became necessary to invent this one because, well, nothing quite like it has ever existed.

Really what it is, is: At least a bazillion words concocted in some sort of arcane order ever since the twelfth century, when the whole concept of “troubadours” itself was invented; and, yes, when the author of this verbiage windfall was born: right around the Year of Our Lord 1150. He picked up and began plucking his lute shortly thereafter, and has been your friendly neighborly mid-evil song-and-dance man ever since.

Over eight hundred years’ worth of the Mother Tongue is preserved here. Please tread lightly. Some of these pieces on the higher shelves are quite fragile, and their egos may break… and then you’ll be in trouble.

You’ll have to sweep up the pieces off the floor, and there is no broom.

Troubadoings’ Series of Series

Middle Income Richard

Middle Income Richard
MIDDLE INCOME RICHARD'S Third Millennium Almanack =============================== A webzine published every now and again via the Internet, which should, in ...
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Middle Income Richard
MIDDLE INCOME RICHARD'S Third Millennium Almanack =============================== A webzine published every now and again via the Internet, which should, in ...
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Middle Income Richard
Alpine Life in The Twilight Zone, Or, How To Spend 3/12ths of a Summer Running 5/12ths of a Hundred By ...
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Middle Income Richard
Photographs of the course of the Hardrock 100 Mile Endurance Run, 2006. As a first-timer this year, I obviously tried ...
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Middle Income Richard
MIDDLE INCOME RICHARD'S Third Millennium Almanack =============================== A webzine published every now and again via the Internet, which should, in the coming thousand years, save a few wads of paper and spare a whole bunch of trees. --------------------------------------------- Number 32, Summer 2006 In the 6th year of the 21st century © 2006  Rich Limacher --------------------------------------------- So, like, we're sure nobody notices, but this is our 5th year anniversary. (hubba hubba 😉 ------------------------------------ This webzine is mostly supposed to disturb you enough so that you'll start thinking about what's going to come long after you're gone ------------------------------------ ...
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Middle Income Richard
MIDDLE INCOME RICHARD'S Third Millennium Almanack =============================== An webzine published every now and again via the Internet, which should, in ...
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Middle Income Richard
MIDDLE INCOME RICHARD'S Third Millennium Almanack =============================== An e-zine published every now and again via the Internet, which should, in ...
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Middle Income Richard
MIDDLE INCOME RICHARD'S Third Millennium Almanack =============================== An e-zine published every now and again via the Internet, which should, in ...
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Middle Income Richard
MIDDLE INCOME RICHARD'S Third Millennium Almanack =============================== An e-zine published every now and again via the Internet, which should, in ...
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Middle Income Richard
MIDDLE INCOME RICHARD'S Third Millennium Almanack =============================== An e-zine published every now and again via the Internet, which should, in ...
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Middle Income Richard
MIDDLE INCOME RICHARD'S Third Millennium Almanack =============================== An e-zine published every now and again via the Internet, which should, in ...
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Middle Income Richard
So, here's "a blast from the past" if ever I wrote one.  At the turn of the century (yes, that ...
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The Most Interesting Man/Woman in the World

Most Interesting Man in the World
(As originally titled and first published to a “chatroom”—otherwise known as the UltraList—on March 10, 2010. Notice at the bottom ...
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Most Interesting Man in the World
(As originally titled and first published to a “chatroom”—otherwise known as the UltraList—on March 3, 2010. Notice at the bottom ...
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Most Interesting Man in the World
 (As originally titled and first published to a “chatroom”—otherwise known as the UltraList—on February 24, 2010; and nearly a full ...
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Real Men/Women of Genius

This Series of Troubadoings Explained

This totally (and respectfully imitated) series of fun-and-frolic parodies was begun on Monday, March 30, 2009, at 3:10 AM CST, with the first one being posted to a somewhat mysterious listserv (The Barkley List) and then the others that followed have spilled over to other listservs and have also been sent to others’ email accounts ever since. (And some even allowed ’em to stay!) The series was done with implied homage paid to those world-famous Bud Light radio commercials, in which that rather heavy male voice intones the “Real Men of Genius” script, while in the background some rather percussive rock music plays–with periodic breakout vocals by this plaintive, wailing “lead singer” of that supposed background band.

Each original commercial rather neatly fit into a 60-second on-air time slot, but no such parameters can be established for this series here. This thing is just, well, goofy! AND it more or less just giggles right along with that entirely suspect subculture of the running world known as ultrarunning–which is pretty goofy all by itself!

And although it is not apparently affiliated with Bud Light (except for giving it free advertising) or Anheuser-Busch, this particular website here…

…seems to have about the most complete collection (111) of these radio ads so far discovered. For sure, you’re now encouraged to dial-up, log-on, scroll-down, and thoroughly-enjoy the originals. And you might also like to visit the website of Anheuser-Busch itself at:

And then guzzle a Bud Light as you read through the following:

The Green Man Rich Limacher
[Merry Holidays, Everyone! We bring you grave tidings of mediocre joy. This series is about to end, like, NOW. We're ...
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The Green Man Rich Limacher
[Happy "Bad Joke Friday" once again! Here, possibly, is the best joke: yours troubly is taking a little time off ...
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The Green Man Rich Limacher
Bud Light presents... REAL MEN OF GENIUS {Re-al men of geeeeeene-yuss!} Today we salute you, Mr. "Cyber Monday Only" Millennial ...
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The Green Man Rich Limacher
[Today we give thanks--tanks?--to Stu "Stu-man-Fu" Gibeau, who suggested today's RM/WoG topic some weeks ago, when I was either weak ...
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The Green Man Rich Limacher
[Bear with me. I'm trying to post this as close to 11-11-11-11:11:11 CST as possible. Sure, it's nuts. I admit! ...
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The Green Man Rich Limacher
[By the way, once again, none of this is pointed at anybody. ALL of it is fiction!] Bud Light presents ...
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The Green Man Rich Limacher
Ingelhook Wineries present... REAL WOMEN OF GENIUS {Re-al gals of geeeeeene-yuss!} Today we propose a toast to you, Miss iPhone-overloaded-with-Apps ...
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The Green Man Rich Limacher
[Today's "Bad Joke Friday" contribution is based on an idea first suggested by my dear old (not so old, eh--she's ...
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The Green Man Rich Limacher
[And this, in "furtheration" of the huge current outcry to "refudiate" marathon world records, could be next: did-she-or-didn%E2%80%99t-she-summary-part-2/] Bud ...
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The Green Man Rich Limacher
Ingelhook Wineries present... REAL WOMEN OF GENIUS {Re-al gals of geeeeeene-yuss} Today we propose a toast to you, Miss After-The-Marathon ...
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The Green Man Rich Limacher
[Today I have a plumber fixing LEAKS downstairs which naturally, uh, reminded me of this :] Bud Light presents... REAL ...
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The Green Man Rich Limacher
[ now it seems we're suddenly in "marathon season"? Well now, ain't THAT a sweet source of sullen inspiration...] Bud ...
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The Green Man Rich Limacher
[Continuing along with this week's "tradition" of peeps nominating other peeps for "the treatment," we, uh, now have the following, ...
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The Green Man Rich Limacher
Bud Light presents... REAL MEN OF GENIUS {Re-al men of geeeeeene-yuss!} Today we salute you, Mr. Running No-Doubt Morally Superior ...
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The Green Man Rich Limacher
Ingelhook Wineries present... REAL WOMEN OF GENIUS {Re-al gals of geeeeeene-yuss!} Today we raise our glass to you, Miss Most ...
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The Green Man Rich Limacher
[R-mog and/or R-m/wog is late today, sorry, on accounta WAY MORE IMPORTANT and IMPRESSIVE reportings of REAL achievements. Like, dig: ...
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The Green Man Rich Limacher
Bud Light presents... REAL MEN OF GENIUS {Re-al men of geeeeeene-yuss!} Today we salute you, Mr. Really, Really BAD "Bad ...
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The Green Man Rich Limacher
[We are sad today to report a case of old-age, dementia, or fallout from last month's trip to Tennessee and ...
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The Green Man Rich Limacher
Bud Light presents... REAL MEN OF GENIUS {Re-al men of geeeeeene-yuss!} Today we salute you, Mr. First-Time-Ever Crew Person for ...
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The Green Man Rich Limacher
[Caution: This in no way refers to our most beloved newest newlywed Paige Dunmore, who *may* have misperceived some sort ...
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The Green Man Rich Limacher
Bud Light presents... REAL MEN OF GENIUS {Re-al men of geeeeeene-yuss!} Today we salute you, Mr. Alter-Ego Inventor and Pseudonymous ...
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The Green Man Rich Limacher
Ingelhook Wineries present... REAL WOMEN OF GENIUS {Re-al gals of geeeeeene-yuss!} Today we propose a toast to you, Miss Self-Confidence--But ...
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The Green Man Rich Limacher
Bud Light presents... REAL MEN OF GENIUS {Re-al men of geeeeeene-yuss!} Today we salute you, Mr. "Fresh Flawless" Logic of ...
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The Green Man Rich Limacher
Bud Light presents... REAL MEN OF GENIUS {Re-al men of geeeeeene-yuss!} Today we salute you, Mr. Brandnew English Grammar Creator ...
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The Green Man Rich Limacher
Ingelhook Wineries present... REAL WOMEN OF GENIUS {Re-al gals of geeeeeene-yuss!} Today we raise our glass to you, Miss Recent ...
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The Green Man Rich Limacher
Bud Light presents... REAL MEN OF GENIUS {Re-al men of geeeeeene-yuss!} Today we salute you, Mr. Totally Confused Directionally-Challenged Race ...
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The Green Man Rich Limacher
[Good Afternoon, Seekers of Truth & General Glommer-Onners, and welcome once again to "Bad Joke Friday," eh? Today's RM/WoG subject ...
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The Green Man Rich Limacher
[Today's "offering" has been offered by our friend, Louise Mason, who took the time to clip stories like what-this-is-based-on out ...
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The Green Man Rich Limacher
[Forgive me, folks, for this particular edition--which isn't *exactly* about running, but it certainly does involve something we ALL are ...
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The Green Man Rich Limacher
Bud Light presents... REAL MEN/WOMEN OF GENIUS {Re-al men-wimm-men of geeeeeene-yuss!} Today we salute you, Mr. AND Mrs. Barkley Marathons ...
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The Green Man Rich Limacher
Bud Light presents... REAL MEN OF GENIUS {Re-al men of geeeeeene-yuss!} Today we salute you, Mr. Shorts-and-Singlet Wearer No Matter ...
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The Green Man Rich Limacher
[I just now thought of this, which should be "dedicated" (uh-huh) to, well, he *knows* who he is! ;-)] Bud ...
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The Green Man Rich Limacher
Ingelhook Wineries present... REAL WOMEN OF GENIUS {Re-al gals of geeeeeene-yuss!} Today we propose our toast to you, Miss Never-Having-Run-an-Ultramarathon ...
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The Green Man Rich Limacher
Bud Light presents... REAL MEN OF GENIUS {Re-al men of geeeeeene-yuss} Today we salute you, Mr. Barefoot SHOES for the ...
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The Green Man Rich Limacher
Ingelhook Wineries present... REAL WOMEN OF GENIUS {Re-al gals of geeeeeene-yuss} Today we raise our glass to you, Miss OCD ...
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The Green Man Rich Limacher
[And folks thought that RWOG #78 was far-fetched. Hah! Lately the Ultra listserv has been all abuzz with totally-serious posts ...
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The Green Man Rich Limacher
[Today we are indebted to our friend Toni Aurilio for suggesting the subject matter. Personally I (and perhaps many of ...
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The Green Man Rich Limacher
Ingelhook Wineries present... REAL WOMEN OF GENIUS {Re-al gals of geeeeeene-yuss} Today we'd like to raise our glass to you, ...
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The Green Man Rich Limacher
Bud Light presents... REAL MEN OF GENIUS {Re-al men of geeeeeene-yuss} Today we salute you, Mr. Blogger-Twitter-Tweeter-Woofer-MySpacedOut-Facebooker While Still Running ...
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The Green Man Rich Limacher
[This, coming in the wake of recent tragedies involving runners and ultrarunners, is bound to "set a few folks off." ...
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The Green Man Rich Limacher
Bud Light presents... REAL MEN OF GENIUS {Re-al men of geeeeeene-yuss} Today we salute you, Mr. Enterprising Young Silk Screener ...
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The Green Man Rich Limacher
[Happy Hanukkah, y'all! So, like, to counterbalance allah dys negativity (heh heh) I've been trying to send everyone my other ...
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The Green Man Rich Limacher
[There were lots of pretty snarky--and clever!--comments posted to the Ultralist this past week which, of course, inspired the following ...
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The Green Man Rich Limacher
[Indeed, our friend Juli Aistars again gets credit for suggesting this as the second half of her RM/WoG idea submitted ...
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The Green Man Rich Limacher
[Default Article Image][Today, after having blown off "Positivity Wednesday" because, really--after THAT election?--does anyone out there actually think that anything ...
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The Green Man Rich Limacher
[This one's not so much to do with running, as with writing about it, which is another pet peeve of ...
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The Green Man Rich Limacher
[Per still more recently appertaining Ultralist threads... :] Bud Light presents... REAL MEN OF GENIUS {Re-al men of geeeeeene-yuss} Today ...
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The Green Man Rich Limacher
[Per recent Ultralist appertaining threads... :] Bud Light presents... REAL MEN OF GENIUS {Re-al men of geeeeeene-yuss} Today we salute ...
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The Green Man Rich Limacher
[Happy "BJF," all! I'm so tempted to borrow Marvelous Marv's phrase ("seedy underbelly?") and Laz's "con-man & hustler" for use ...
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The Green Man Rich Limacher
Bud Light presents... REAL MEN OF GENIUS {Re-al men of geeeeeene-yuss} Today we salute you, Mr. Super-Popular Limited-Entry Ultramarathon Race ...
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The Green Man Rich Limacher
Ingelhook Wineries present... REAL WOMEN OF GENIUS {Re-al gals of geeeeeene-yuss} Today we raise our glass to you, Missus OCD ...
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The Green Man Rich Limacher
[No, friends, for right now we're going to resist writing about the apparent genuine or artificial "genius" who figured out ...
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The Green Man Rich Limacher
[First of all, I'd just like to say "thanks"--reelly and troubly--to all the many folks who've--so far--responded so positively to ...
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The Green Man Rich Limacher
[This special talent was first discovered to be ever so widely "spread" in--where else?--Caliphrenia, home of this weakened's Angeles Crest ...
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The Green Man Rich Limacher
[Default Article Image][w-w-w-dot-welcome.bak-forward-slash-2-me-slash-tilde-after-2-wiks? Nah. It wasn't actually that grate a vacation, but it did go a tad better than badly--right ...
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The Green Man Rich Limacher
[Today, friends, I'm the non-angel barely bearing no gnus of grated joi. Nah, actually it's HUGE NEWS of GREAT JOY!!! ...
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The Green Man Rich Limacher
[This one--or is it two?--presented itself the other day. And again, I just can't resist. Also please, "fictional characters that ...
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The Green Man Rich Limacher
[How could I possibly resist? ;-] Bud Light presents... REAL MEN OF GENIUS {Re-al men of geeeeeene-yuss} Today we salute ...
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The Green Man Rich Limacher
[Fiends, roamins, cross-countrymen, lend me your eyeballs. Today's "offering"---yo, I usually get the feelin' I'm trying to "sacrifice (stuff like ...
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The Green Man Rich Limacher
Bud Light presents... REAL MEN OF GENIUS {Re-al men of geeeeeene-yuss} Today we salute you, Mr. Bluetooth Earset Wearer and ...
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The Green Man Rich Limacher
[Friends, I am NOT supposed to be here--figuratively and, perhaps, literally. I'm supposed to be doing "The Beer Run." However, ...
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The Green Man Rich Limacher
[Hey, allah yous friends, fiends, friendettes, and fiendees, I have news! It turns out that "Will The Real Inspirer for ...
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The Green Man Rich Limacher
Bud Light presents... REAL MEN OF GENIUS {Re-al men of geeeeeene-yuss} Today we salute you, Mr. Cheerfully Optimistic and Overly ...
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The Green Man Rich Limacher
[Does it come as any surprise now--after what seems (to me) to be like A MONTH!--that my computer is now ...
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The Green Man Rich Limacher
[I would just like to extend a non-RM/WoG shout-out to my new buddy, A.J. Johnson, who had the misfortune of ...
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The Green Man Rich Limacher
[It is very fitting that this edition--marking almost one whole year of series existence--be composed here in Maryland, at the ...
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The Green Man Rich Limacher
Ingelhook Wineries present... REAL WOMEN OF GENIUS {Real gals of geeeeeene-yuss} Today we raise our glass to you, Miss Interpretiv-Runnour, ...
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The Green Man Rich Limacher
[Well, thanks to nobody who wasn't curious enough to possibly give-a-sh*t less, yours troubly did, in fact, complete Uncle Sam's ...
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The Green Man Rich Limacher
Bud Light presents... REAL MEN OF GENIUS {Real men of geeeeeene-yuss} Today we salute you, Mr. Overly Confident Too-Eager Virgin ...
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The Green Man Rich Limacher
Bud Light presents... REAL MEN OF GENIUS {Real men of geeeeeene-yuss} Today we salute you, Mr. Emailing-on-the-Sly While You're at ...
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The Green Man Rich Limacher
Ingelhook Wineries present... REAL WOMEN OF GENIUS {Real gals of geeeeeene-yuss} Today we propose our toast to you, Mrs. Aid ...
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The Green Man Rich Limacher
[Thanks today is due to Toni Aurilio for the suggestion---which term you'll recognize when you see it---and to several other ...
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The Green Man Rich Limacher
[Two fine friends to thank this morning! Thanks to Don Charles Lundell, of ZombieRunner fame, for this idea; and thanks ...
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The Green Man Rich Limacher
[Despite the recent reaming, comedy and poignancy absolutely prohibit restraint in this case.] Bud Light presents... REAL MEN OF GENIUS ...
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The Green Man Rich Limacher
[My thanks today is due to Megan Finnesy for suggesting this idea, something I personally could never have imagined.] Ingelhook ...
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The Green Man Rich Limacher
Ingelhook Wineries present... REAL WOMEN OF GENIUS {Real gals of geeeeeene-yuss} Today we lift our goblet to you, Miss Joining-the-Running-Club-to-Bag-a-Hubby, ...
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The Green Man Rich Limacher
Ingelhook Wineries present... REAL WOMEN OF GENIUS {Real gals of geeeeeene-yuss} Today we raise our glass to you, Miss Total ...
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The Green Man Rich Limacher
[Again thanks and credit is due to Lora Mantelman for issuing this "challenge" to which the author now responds.] Bud ...
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The Green Man Rich Limacher
Bud Light presents... REAL MEN OF GENIUS {Real men of geeeeeene-yuss} Today we salute you, Mr. Running Complainer That Nobody ...
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The Green Man Rich Limacher
[We are grateful to Lora Mantelman for suggesting this idea. Thanks!] Bud Light presents... REAL MEN OF GENIUS {Real men ...
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The Green Man Rich Limacher
Ingelhook Wineries present... REAL WOMEN OF GENIUS {Real gals of geeeeeene-yuss} Today we raise our glass to you, Miss Northern ...
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The Green Man Rich Limacher
[Hey, THIS ain't happenin' tomorrow. So gotta be today, if at all this week. Merry Christmas, allah yous gah-roovy fit ...
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The Green Man Rich Limacher
[Again, thanks for this basic idea is owed to our friend Nancy Shura-Dervin.] Ingelhook Wineries present... REAL WOMEN OF GENIUS ...
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The Green Man Rich Limacher
[This one actually has an audio/visual aid: And thanks for this suggestion is owed to Tim Butterfield.] Bud Light ...
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The Green Man Rich Limacher
[Back by popular non-demand after a brief non-vacation. Thanks for this idea is owed to our friend Nancy Shura-Dervin.] Bud ...
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The Green Man Rich Limacher
Ingelhook Wineries present... REAL WOMEN OF GENIUS {Real gals of geeeeeene-yuss} Today we lift our goblet to you, Miss Over-Credentialed ...
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The Green Man Rich Limacher
Bud Light presents... REAL MEN OF GENIUS {Real men of geeeeeene-yuss} Today we salute you, Mr. Non-Sexual Co-Ed Room Sharer/Travel ...
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Bud Light presents... REAL MEN OF GENIUS {Real men of geeeeeene-yuss} Today we salute you, Mr. Worrier-Too-Much If Sex Will ...
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Ingelhook Wineries present... REAL WOMEN OF GENIUS {Real gals of geeeeeene-yuss} Today we raise our glass to you, Mrs. Unknown ...
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Bud Light presents... REAL MEN OF GENIUS {Real men of geeeeeene-yuss} Today we salute you, Mr. Experienced New Trails Explorer ...
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Bud Light presents... REAL MEN OF GENIUS {Real men of geeeeeene-yuss} Today we honor you, Mr. Cigarette-Smoking Witless Witness To ...
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Bud Light presents... REAL MEN OF GENIUS {Real men of geeeeeene-yuss} Today we salute you, Mr. Stuck-in-Traffic Behind-the-Policeman During-the-Marathon Angry ...
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[My thanks to Joe Judd for suggesting this, something he witnessed--but not exactly.] Bud Light presents... REAL MEN OF GENIUS ...
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Bud Light presents... REAL MEN OF GENIUS {Real men of geeeeeene-yuss} Today we salute you, Mr. Indy-Class Speed Racer on ...
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[We interrupt our previously posted serious survey to bring you this regularly scheduled joke. BTW, thanks to all who have ...
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Bud Light presents... REAL MEN OF GENIUS {Real men of geeeeeene-yuss} Today we salute you, Mr. Anal-Retentive Runner and Bodily-Functions-Forever-Over-the-Internet ...
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Ingelhook Wineries present... REAL WOMEN OF GENIUS {Real gals of geeeeeene-yuss} Today we raise our glass to you, Miss Ultra-Organized ...
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Bud Light presents... REAL MEN OF GENIUS {Real men of geeeeeene-yuss} Today we salute you, Mr. Over-The-Hill-Trail-Running/Hitting-On Chick Non-Magnet. {Mis-ter ...
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[Again I'm indebted to Nancy Shura for this suggestion.] Bud Light presents... REAL MEN OF GENIUS {Real men of geeeeeene-yuss} ...
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Ingelhook Wineries present... REAL WOMEN OF GENIUS {Real gals of geeeeeene-yuss} Today we raise our glass to you, Missus Cell-Phoning, ...
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[Better late than never, huh?] Bud Light presents... REAL MEN OF GENIUS {Real men of geeeeeene-yuss} Today we salute you, ...
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[This idea was suggested by Jerry Davison. Thanks, I think.] Bud Light presents... REAL MEN OF GENIUS {Real men of ...
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The Green Man Rich Limacher
Bud Light presents... REAL MEN OF GENIUS {Real men of geeeeeene-yuss} Today we salute you, Mr. Last-Place-Finisher of the "Last ...
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[I'm indebted to Nancy Shura, long-suffering race director, for this idea. ;-] Ingelhook Wineries present... REAL WOMEN OF GENIUS {Real ...
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[I know what I said last week, but this is in honor of all those fine folks out there currently ...
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Bud Light presents... REAL MEN OF GENIUS {Real men of geeeeeene-yuss} Today we salute you, Mr. "This List Is My ...
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Bud Light presents... REAL MEN OF GENIUS {Real men of geeeeeene-yuss} You have been waiting for this one for one ...
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[Why should men be the only "geniuses"?] Ingelhook Wineries present... REAL WOMEN OF GENIUS {Real gals of geeeeeene-yuss} Today we ...
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[Our friend Stu Gibeau suggested this one.] Bud Light presents... REAL MEN OF GENIUS {Real men of geeeeeene-yuss} Today we ...
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Bud Light presents... REAL MEN OF GENIUS {Real men of geeeeeene-yuss} Today we salute you, Mr. Trail-Ultra-Scouting Hunter/Tracker/Poacher Dude. {Mister ...
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[So, yeah. In honor of Paige Troelstrup, it's another BLF. Last week she'd written: "This should become your Friday tradition...BLF ...
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RMWOG no. 3 _image (1)
Bud Light presents... REAL MEN OF GENIUS {Real men of geeeeeene-yuss} Today we salute you, Mr. Unofficial Volunteer Trail Marshal ...
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bad word_ banned-small
Bud Light presents... REAL MEN OF GENIUS {Real men of geeeeeene-yuss} Today we salute you, Mr. E-mail Listserv One-Word Commentator ...
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RMWOG no. 2 _image
Bud Light presents... REAL MEN OF GENIUS [Real men of geeeeeene-yuss] Today we salute you, Mr. E-Mail Photography Internet-Sharer [You're ...
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RMWOG no. 1_The Barkley RD
Bud Light presents... REAL MEN OF GENIUS {Real men of geeeeeene-yuss} Today we salute you, Mr. Barkley Marathons Race Director ...
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Ultra Relationship News

[Editor’s Note: This series got started with this posting No. 1 to the following three “chatrooms” or “listservs”:  Ultra List <ULTRA@LISTSERV.DARTMOUTH.EDU>, Barkley List <>, and the Vol-State Ultra List <>.  It began with this first post appearing on April 14, 2017, and continued more or less weekly–until, of course, it no longer could.  Its speaking freedoms weren’t feeling very free under the klieg-light glare of censorship.]

So. I’ve decided.

We need a little more levity in this here entirely-too-somber and hyped-up-on-way-too-much-running chatroom. Especially on Fridays. Remember “Bad Joke Fridays”?
Yeah. This is like that. Kinda. So please either delete this now, or bear with.
I’m envisioning a whole new series.

Women Ultra Relationship News (1)
[Actually, despite what another lister posted yesterday about THAT day being “Bad Joke Friday,” it’s TODAY that is our often ...
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Ultra Relationship News
[Continued from Part 1] STRAW: Oh YASSS! I take… and I… slowly… calmly—a’ corse my ticker’s poundin' away inside my ...
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Ultra Relationship News
[Sorry to have been away last week. I was simply doing myself what all these goofy characters are supposed to ...
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Women Ultra Relationship News (1)
[Think of me as your “fly on the wall.” I buzz around coffeehouses and breakfast nooks listening to all you ...
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Ultra Relationship News
[Live from Chi-Town: “It’s BAD JOKE FRIDAY NIGHT!!!” And then there’s this: I feel I don’t owe any more grateful ...
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Womens Ultra Relationship News
[Sorry for the week off, but at this time during last week’s “Bad Joke Friday,” I was taking on some ...
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Ultra Relationship News
[Editor’s Note: Welcome again to “The Return of Bad Joke Friday!” Eh? Of course, if it gets any later, this'll ...
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Ultra Relationship News
[Editor’s Note: Since only a few have bothered to complain (privately) it seems completely outrageous to continue this series publicly ...
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Womens Ultra Relationship News
[Editor’s Note: Continuing right along now with all this merriment, we have yet another twisted version of a “Bad Joke ...
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Ultra Relationship News
ULTRA RELATIONSHIP NEWS Number 1, “Miss Foot” by Yours Troubly (With all due homage—and nothing else—paid to David Mamet and ...
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What Ever Happened To

What Ever Happened To
[Happy Mothers' Day to all the, um, non-rolled-reefer "mothers" out there! Back in my day, we used to find small ...
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What Ever Happened To
[Good Mourning. Everybody broke? Has Uncle Sam taken his hands out of your pockets yet? How about your state's taxing ...
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What Ever Happened To
[Welcome back, to me, from parts unknown. Literally. In fact, I've just returned from parts unknown even, and especially, to ...
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What Ever Happened To
["And the 'hits' just keep on comin'…." "Hits" on websites and Twitter, I suppose. Hello, everyone, and welcome to another ...
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What Ever Happened To
[Happy--or at least less miserable--New Year, Everyone! It's been awhile since we've rolled down our sleeves and written anything for ...
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What Ever Happened To
[Good Aftermourning, "all you groovy guys and groovy gals!" (as they used to say, oh, by now it seems like ...
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What Ever Happened To
[Happy "Bad," everyone! As in, today is "Bad Joke Friday" once more. And the chatter lately all throughout our little ...
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What Ever Happened To
[Hello-everyone-and-happy-bad-joke-Friday. OK, that's out of the way. Now I can get off my chest what's REALLY bothering me, besides the ...
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[Good After-Morning to all of my friends, acquaintances, fellow Listservites and Listswervians, and to only a few of my sworn ...
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[Is it Bad Joke Friday? Again? Already?? Well, here's something I recently thought of that nobody cares about: water bottles ...
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[Welcome back to Bad Joke or--as I've been thinking lately--Negativity Friday. First, in other news of the universe, I see ...
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[Awhile ago, somebuddy or somebunny noted--along with his or her training regimen, specimen, preferences, Garmin trackings, VO2-max vs. HR-extremities, nutritional ...
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[There seems to be some recent concern/inquiry/puzzlement over women runners who have attempted The Barkley Marathons--yea, woe yea--"the race that ...
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[It doesn't seem much like it today, but Happy Bad Joke Friday anyway! Here's one I just heard (actually saw ...
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["Blade Gunner"? So, eh? Whatever happened to Oscar Pistorius? Got Pist once too often? Or 'e yuss… forgot who he ...
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[Hey! We're all still alive today! So, welcome to BJF--and I mean, REALLY Bad Joke Friday. Damn Mayo (Mayonnaise?) peeps ...
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[Welcome to Bad Joke Friday, and to antiquity. Today's joke, or rather subject matter, has to do with something we ...
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[Hello again! After all this *time*! Where did it go? Where does time ever go? Maybe it was never here ...
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[Good Aftermourning, my fiends! Hey, it's almost Halloween; and so, boos & ghouls, y'all must be "fiends," eh? Anyway, again ...
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[Welcome again to Bad Joke Friday, hey? Anybody got one, besides "Lance"? Sorry to say last week's entry in this ...
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[So, in response to probably what nobody ever asked--like, what ever happened to What Ever Happened To?--What Ever Happened To ...
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[Oh my heavings! Just LOOKIT what's goin' down deze daze. Our listservs totally have been *Alive with the Sound of ...
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[Good Afternoon, or Evening, or whatever it is. Happy Friday the Thirteen and "The Return of Jason inside that damned ...
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[Grittings and salivations, alla you gah-groovy guys an' groovy gals! And welcome back (me)--although your opinion may vary--from "vacation" to ...
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[In keeping with, or trying to restore, "the spirit of Bad Joke Fridays," I've decided to chip in the following ...
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[So. Here I was all set to post up yet another abomination of rhetoric, language, and good taste, when WHAM: ...
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[And now to try and go back to take up the slack…] The Lincoln Administraction Presents… WHAT EVER HAPPENED TO ...
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[And now for something completely different :] The Warren G. Harding Administraction Presents... WHAT EVER HAPPENED TO [Wheaties] ? Yes, ...
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[Having returned from Tennessee and, of course, "That Event" which took place over the past 3-day weekend, I've been convalescing ...
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[Wow. What Ever happened to Winter in the Midwest? It left early this year! And in its wake it left ...
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[Freshly, or UNfreshly, back from my special "treat to beat my feet on the Mississippi MUD," I feel UNspired today ...
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[Oh joy, oh rapture! It must be Bad Joke Friday again. Firstly, I'd like to thank all you most excellent ...
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The Washington Administraction Presents... WHAT EVER HAPPENED TO ["Pen and Paper"] ? So, what in this world is ever happening ...
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The Reagan Administraction Presents... WHAT EVER HAPPENED TO ["The Poor Man's Sport"] ? So, what in the whirl of marketing ...
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What Ever Happened To
[Happy Day, Friends and Playmates and Hopeless Romantics All! Today in honor of "Bad Joke Friday" we wish to launch ...
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