Real Men of Genius [number 2]

RMWOG no. 2 _image

Bud Light presents…


[Real men of geeeeeene-yuss]

Today we salute you, Mr. E-Mail Photography Internet-Sharer

[You’re A Reel Cyber Pixilated Geek JPEGggger!]

Never mind that Walgreens, Dart Drug, Wal*Mart, and Tar-zhyay can make you full color prints suitable for framing–and they’ll also sell you the frames–thereby making a few very nice gifts and souvenirs you can give to all your friends and family at just such occasions where some of them might just appreciate your thoughtfulness, oh no…

[Yooooooooou don’t wanna hafta stand in line]

…what you have in mind instead is instantaneous transmission of ALL your photos to ALL your friends, MySpacers, Facebookies, and everybody you’ve ever Googled in your life immediately after snapping 347 of them–mostly before the event being photographed is even finished–and you’re gonna send everybody always everything on your Memory Stick in ultra-high-res at 3.5 million kilobytes apiece.

[Whoa!!!!!! My computer’s in total freeze-up!!!!!!!!]

So pop open an ice-cold Bud Light, oh cybertronic great-grandson of the Polaroid inventor–at baud rate transmission speeds approaching the red-lining of a Volkswagen, your twenty thousand MySpace pals could be waiting three more weeks before they get their browsers back.

[Mr. E-Mail Photography Internet-Sharer!!!]

Bud Light beer: we don’t care where it’s made; we just dig their commercials.

( O_O )

Thanks, you guys, for the inspiration.

And crack open another ice-cold one, while you’re at it. While we’re all sitting here gawking at whatever Korean flat-plasma screen sits in front of our lazy ass, Andrew “Traildog” Thompson has just run another hard five miles.

Yours troubly,
“Barkley scRitch”
[That 800-year-old lute plucker (and mead chugger) from France]

BTW: “Autographs”? Are you kidding me? I’m still tryin’ to figure out how to SIGN my damn TAX RETURN which frickin’ TurboTax instantaneously cyber-shares with the IRS, FBI, CIA, NSA, NASA, every “body politic” else AND (knowing me) probbly also with FHSP.

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