Middle Income Richard’s Third Millennium Almanack, No. 32 Addenda: Klas Eklof’s Hardrock 2006 Photo Journal

Chuck Wilson approaching Grouse Gulch climb to American-Grouse PassPhotographs of the course of the Hardrock 100 Mile Endurance Run, 2006.

As a first-timer this year, I obviously tried to study the course as much as I possibly could, from my arm chair in California. Reading the detailed course description and studying the maps was extremely helpful, but inadequate. The online photo reports I found were amazing, but it was difficult to correlate those images with the course description and maps. This journal tries to make it a little easier to comprehend the course, from the comfort of your sea level sofa, as you prepare to meet your new friend in Silverton.

Although I arrived in Colorado two weeks before the race, I couldn’t see the entire course before raceday. In my limited time to prepare I concentrated on the clockwise course’s climbs that occur after Telluride. So a few of the descents are missing. Guess I’ll have to run counter-clockwise sometime soon…

I owe a huge credit to John Cappis, for teaching me a lot of the course, inspiring my geographical curiosity, contributing to the notes of this journal, and helping to ensure that my head wasn’t blown off by lightning. Thanks John.

– The Photo Journal Starts Here –

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