Category: Published Literary Nonsense

Ultra Relationship News – No. 4 – “Fitness Nazi”

Ultra Relationship News – No. 4 – “Fitness Nazi”

[Editor’s Note: Welcome again to “The Return of Bad Joke Friday!” Eh? Of course, if it gets any later, this’ll have to get passed off as “Bad Joke Saturday,” and then you all can be visiting after your own long runs, and talking amongst yourselves about all the horrible interpersonal relationships y’all have had. Heh....

Ultra Relationship News – No. 3 – “The Ex”

Ultra Relationship News – No. 3 – “The Ex”

[Editor’s Note: Since only a few have bothered to complain (privately) it seems completely outrageous to continue this series publicly. Or not. You decide. Delete or bear with. Hey, it’s yet another “Bad Joke Friday,” eh?] ULTRA RELATIONSHIP NEWS Number 3, “The Ex” by Yours Troubly (With all due homage—and nothing else—paid to David Mamet,...

Ultra Relationship News – No. 2 – “The Strawman”

Ultra Relationship News – No. 2 – “The Strawman”

[Editor’s Note: Continuing right along now with all this merriment, we have yet another twisted version of a “Bad Joke Friday.” And again, either delete now or bear with…] ULTRA RELATIONSHIP NEWS Number 2, “The Strawman” by Yours Troubly (With all due homage—and nothing else—paid to David Mamet, but now with somewhat necessarily changed language,...

Ultra Relationship News – No. 1 – “Miss Foot”

Ultra Relationship News – No. 1 – “Miss Foot”

ULTRA RELATIONSHIP NEWS Number 1, “Miss Foot” by Yours Troubly (With all due homage—and nothing else—paid to David Mamet and his “Sexual Perversity in Chicago”; now with somewhat necessarily changed language, due to polite society) [Eddie and The Strawman are sitting in McDonald’s after a Saturday long run, having coffee and the occasional French Fry]...

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