Category: Published Literary Nonsense

What Ever Happened To […] #1022

What Ever Happened To […] #1022

[It doesn’t seem much like it today, but Happy Bad Joke Friday anyway! Here’s one I just heard (actually saw online) that may even pertain (to much of the country): “It’s so cold today, I actually saw a Democrat with his hands in his own pockets.” 😉 I should sell that one to
 whichever of...

What Ever Happened To […] #1021

What Ever Happened To […] #1021

  [“Blade Gunner”? So, eh? Whatever happened to Oscar Pistorius? Got Pist once too often? Or ‘e yuss
 forgot who he was living with? What the roommate smelled like even? What??? He “thinks” he’s being invaded by some UNKNOWN INTRUDER at o’dark-thirty in the mourning WHO LETS HERSELF IN WITH A KEY??? He then EMPTIES...

What Ever Happened To […] #1020

What Ever Happened To […] #1020

[Hey! We’re all still alive today! So, welcome to BJF–and I mean, REALLY Bad Joke Friday. Damn Mayo (Mayonnaise?) peeps had us BS’d for over a thousand years. Or, something like that. Of course, I’m 800 and don’t remember. I never did pay any mind to “Mayans,” although methinks someone just re-minded that “Maya” is...

What Ever Happened To […] #1019

What Ever Happened To […] #1019

  [Welcome to Bad Joke Friday, and to antiquity. Today’s joke, or rather subject matter, has to do with something we all were born with–some of us a loooong long time ago. Our ancestors were born with it (them) too. It’s hard to say just who was in power when that scene all changed, but...

Ultra Relationship News – No. 9 – “Commando”

Ultra Relationship News – No. 9 – “Commando”

[Actually, despite what another lister posted yesterday about THAT day being “Bad Joke Friday,” it’s TODAY that is our often highly touted BJF—which a few of us know and love, but almost all of us, apparently, haven’t missed.  So let me do my part to try to revive it.  The following conversation actually had its...

Ultra Relationship News – No. 8 – “Grape!” [Part 2]

Ultra Relationship News – No. 8 – “Grape!” [Part 2]

[Continued from Part 1] STRAW: Oh YASSS! I take
 and I
 calmly—a’ corse my ticker’s poundin’ away inside my chest and my you-know-what’s acting like a tent pole
 so I’m arching up like a carport
you slip the grape in? STRAW: Yup! EDDIE: Cool! So, how’s it taste? STRAW: At this point,...

Ultra Relationship News – No. 8 – “Grape!” [Part 1]

Ultra Relationship News – No. 8 – “Grape!” [Part 1]

[Sorry to have been away last week. I was simply doing myself what all these goofy characters are supposed to be doing: RUNNING. I went to Peoria, Illy-noise, which I like to refer to as Pee-Town, and ran a footrace there. And THIS is all you need to know about THAT. It was horrible. I...

Ultra Relationship News – No. 7 – “Trouser Snakes”

Ultra Relationship News – No. 7 – “Trouser Snakes”

[Think of me as your “fly on the wall.” I buzz around coffeehouses and breakfast nooks listening to all you amazing (and tired) ultra-long-distance runners COMPLAIN—after finishing your long runs on weekend mornings—about stuff
 like flies. Think of me also as having a fly-sized tape recorder. Hmmm
 do they still even make “tape recorders”? Anyway,...

Ultra Relationship News – No. 6 – “Cheats”

Ultra Relationship News – No. 6 – “Cheats”

[Live from Chi-Town: “It’s BAD JOKE FRIDAY NIGHT!!!” And then there’s this: I feel I don’t owe any more grateful acknowledgements to playwright and screenwriter David Mamet. His funny-sex-dialogue shtick that “inspired me” only lasted for one scene of one play (“Sexual Perversity in Chicago”); my shtick is continuing ad infinitum. Hah. In case you...

Ultra Relationship News – No. 5 – “Oh Cee Dee”

Ultra Relationship News – No. 5 – “Oh Cee Dee”

[Sorry for the week off, but at this time during last week’s “Bad Joke Friday,” I was taking on some real heat along a footrace course in New Jersey. Totally uncharacteristically, NJ was HOT AS HELL last weekend, and some kind folks were wondering why I chose THAT, instead of sitting in air-conditioning and writing...

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