Author: Jessica Nunemaker (Jessica Nunemaker)

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Barkley’s Farm

Barkley’s Farm

Here’s a little ditty that’s been circulating among the scrap heaps of song rejects in, say, Nashville for quite a long time.  Maybe even 800 years (note my outfit).  It’s meant to pay homage to yet another troubadour, Bob Dylan, and it’s all about the agony (really!) of trying to run on “Barkley’s Farm”–which isn’t...

Ultra Relationship News – No. 1 – “Miss Foot”

Ultra Relationship News – No. 1 – “Miss Foot”

ULTRA RELATIONSHIP NEWS Number 1, “Miss Foot” by Yours Troubly (With all due homage—and nothing else—paid to David Mamet and his “Sexual Perversity in Chicago”; now with somewhat necessarily changed language, due to polite society) [Eddie and The Strawman are sitting in McDonald’s after a Saturday long run, having coffee and the occasional French Fry]...

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