Author: mickjogger (Richard Limacher)

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Middle Income Richard’s Third Millennium Almanack, No. 12

Middle Income Richard’s Third Millennium Almanack, No. 12

MIDDLE INCOME RICHARD’S Third Millennium Almanack =============================== An e-zine published every now and again via the Internet, which should, in the coming thousand years, save a few wads of paper and spare a whole bunch of trees. ——————————————— Number 12, Latest August, 2002 In the 2nd year of the 21st century © 2002 Rich Limacher...

Real Men/Women of Genius #42

Real Men/Women of Genius #42

[Despite the recent reaming, comedy and poignancy absolutely prohibit restraint in this case.] Bud Light presents… REAL MEN OF GENIUS {Real men of geeeeeene-yuss} Today we salute you, Mr. E-mailer To The Wrong Guy To Take You Off The Listserv. {Mis-ter “I-sub-scribe-to-this-whole-list-but-I-can’t-staaaand-what-YOU-put-here”!} You’re a very clever boy, aren’t you? You have completely figured out—without anyone...

Middle Income Richard’s Third Millennium Almanack, No. 11

Middle Income Richard’s Third Millennium Almanack, No. 11

MIDDLE INCOME RICHARD’S Third Millennium Almanack =============================== An e-zine published every now and again via the Internet, which should, in the coming thousand years, save a few wads of paper and spare a whole bunch of trees. ——————————————— Number 11, Fourth of July, 2002 (or slightly thereafter) In the 2nd year of the 21st century...

Real Men/Women of Genius #41

Real Men/Women of Genius #41

[My thanks today is due to Megan Finnesy for suggesting this idea, something I personally could never have imagined.] Ingelhook Wineries present… REAL WOMEN OF GENIUS {Real gals of geeeeeene-yuss} Today we raise our glass to you, Miss Consensual Slave to the Race Director for Preferential Treatment. {Miss “I willlllllllll DO aaaaannnnnnn-y-thing to get in...

Middle Income Richard’s Third Millennium Almanack, No. 10

Middle Income Richard’s Third Millennium Almanack, No. 10

MIDDLE INCOME RICHARD’S Third Millennium Almanack =============================== An e-zine published every now and again via the Internet, which should, in the coming thousand years, save a few wads of paper and spare a whole bunch of trees. ——————————————— Number 10, April Fools’ Day, 2002 (or slightly thereafter) In the 2nd year of the 21st century...

Real Men/Women of Genius #40

Real Men/Women of Genius #40

Ingelhook Wineries present… REAL WOMEN OF GENIUS {Real gals of geeeeeene-yuss} Today we lift our goblet to you, Miss Joining-the-Running-Club-to-Bag-a-Hubby, Then Quitting, Babe. {Miss “where ARE all the sing-le men in theeeese woods any-way?”} Where have you been? You joined our sweet little group to find some company for “long runs,” but that was five...

Middle Income Richard’s Third Millennium Almanack, No. 9

Middle Income Richard’s Third Millennium Almanack, No. 9

MIDDLE INCOME RICHARD’S Third Millennium Almanack =============================== An e-zine published every now and again via the Internet, which should, in the coming thousand years, save a few wads of paper and spare a whole bunch of trees. ——————————————— Number 9, Superbowl Monday or Tuesday, 2002, (or close) In the 2nd year of the 21st century...

Real Men/Women of Genius #39

Real Men/Women of Genius #39

Ingelhook Wineries present… REAL WOMEN OF GENIUS {Real gals of geeeeeene-yuss} Today we raise our glass to you, Miss Total Running Amazon with The Inferiority Complex. {Miss “dontchoo think I am tooooo taaaaaallllllllllll?”} You are five-foot-ten-and-three-quarters-inches tall and weigh one hundred and fifty-one pounds. You are running with us at a pace of eight-and-a-half-minute miles....

Real Men/Women of Genius #38

Real Men/Women of Genius #38

[Again thanks and credit is due to Lora Mantelman for issuing this “challenge” to which the author now responds.] Bud Light presents… REAL MEN OF GENIUS {Real men of geeeeeene-yuss!} Today we salute you, Mr. Whacked-Out Writer of Real Men/Women of Genius. {Mis-ter What-in-the-hell-are-you-DO-ING-ta-king-up-all-this-space?} So, you are qualified to do this… HOW? To sit and...

Real Men/Women of Genius #37

Real Men/Women of Genius #37

Bud Light presents… REAL MEN OF GENIUS {Real men of geeeeeene-yuss} Today we salute you, Mr. Running Complainer That Nobody Ever Waves Back. {Mis-ter “Why can’t ev-ree-bod-y jus-getta-long–and waaaave at meeeeeee?”} Boo. Dee. Hoo. Hoo. to. you. Do you wave when you run at every single biped and quadruped—indeed all gawk’s creatures great and small—and...

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