Author: mickjogger (Richard Limacher)

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Real Men/Women of Genius #61

Real Men/Women of Genius #61

[Default Article Image][w-w-w-dot-welcome.bak-forward-slash-2-me-slash-tilde-after-2-wiks? Nah. It wasn’t actually that grate a vacation, but it did go a tad better than badly–right up until sometime before dawn in the darkening foggy horrors of the Marin County Headlands. Which has subsequently haunted me right up until now, when I finely realized that life somehow–despite all off-cliff-plunging urges to...

Real Men/Women of Genius #60

Real Men/Women of Genius #60

[Today, friends, I’m the non-angel barely bearing no gnus of grated joi. Nah, actually it’s HUGE NEWS of GREAT JOY!!! As follows: 1) My good buddy Bill Thom is giving me space (soon! maybe today!!) on his wonderful website: 2) For any or all those who’ve written over the past mini daze to ask...

Real Men/Women of Genius #59

Real Men/Women of Genius #59

[This one–or is it two?–presented itself the other day. And again, I just can’t resist. Also please, “fictional characters that bear no resemblance to real-life characters,” take no offense! OK? ;-] Bud Light presents… REAL MEN OF GENIUS {Re-al men of geeeeeene-yuss} Today we salute you, Messrs. All-of-a-Sudden Just-Now-Invented Vol-State “Relay Team.” {Mis-ters hur-ried-ly con-coc-ted...

Middle Income Richard’s Third Millennium Almanack, No. 28

Middle Income Richard’s Third Millennium Almanack, No. 28

MIDDLE INCOME RICHARD’S Third Millennium Almanack =============================== An e-zine published every now and again via the Internet, which should, in the coming thousand years, save a few wads of paper and spare a whole bunch of trees. ——————————————— Number 28, Cinco de Mayo, 2005 In the 5th year of the 21st century © 2005  Rich...

Real Men/Women of Genius #58

Real Men/Women of Genius #58

[How could I possibly resist? ;-] Bud Light presents… REAL MEN OF GENIUS {Re-al men of geeeeeene-yuss} Today we salute you, Mr. Impossible-Even-To-Believe Vol-State Inventor and Race Director. {Mis-ter HOT tenn-ness-ssee cross-staaaaate foot-raaace in-ven-torrrr!} Three hundred and fourteen complete and entire miles, on foot, in ten days, and kitty-corner across the full State of Tennessee...

Real Men/Women of Genius #57

Real Men/Women of Genius #57

[Fiends, roamins, cross-countrymen, lend me your eyeballs. Today’s “offering”—yo, I usually get the feelin’ I’m trying to “sacrifice (stuff like this) to the angry gods,” so that they’ll redirect their tornadoes somewhere else—was actually first suggested by Joe Judd, who, if I understand anything at all, MAY right now be running Hardrock. Anyway, Joe’ll see...

Real Men/Women of Genius #56

Real Men/Women of Genius #56

Bud Light presents… REAL MEN OF GENIUS {Re-al men of geeeeeene-yuss} Today we salute you, Mr. Bluetooth Earset Wearer and Talker While Working-out Runner. {Mis-ter ennn-ter-taaaiiii-ner of the whole darn raaaaace!} Pardon us for interrupting your most important conversation, but do you think you could possibly stop yakking just a second to listen, to be...

Real Men/Women of Genius #55

Real Men/Women of Genius #55

[Friends, I am NOT supposed to be here–figuratively and, perhaps, literally. I’m supposed to be doing “The Beer Run.” However, this past Wednesday–naught but three long exasperating days ago–in fact just after having posted my tribute to Scott Jurek–directly above this house roared an F1 tornado. Talk about “learning how to dance in the rain”!!!...

Real Men/Women of Genius #54

Real Men/Women of Genius #54

[Hey, allah yous friends, fiends, friendettes, and fiendees, I have news! It turns out that “Will The Real Inspirer for RM/WoG #50 Please Come Forward?” has in fact come forward. He is none other than Bill Thom, the true cybertronic wizard behind, who happened to be running the Ice Age 50M way back in...

Real Men/Women of Genius #53

Real Men/Women of Genius #53

Bud Light presents… REAL MEN OF GENIUS {Re-al men of geeeeeene-yuss} Today we salute you, Mr. Cheerfully Optimistic and Overly Encouraging Aid Station Guy. {Mis-ter, weee knowwwwww what the cut-offfffffffs are!} Yes, we’re wearing our watch. No, we’re not sitting here because we’re only just dimly aware of what ours and yours and the race’s...

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