So, here’s “a blast from the past” if ever I wrote one. At the turn of the century (yes, that is a true statement and the century we’ve all turned to is this one: the twenty-first) I conspired to concoct an almanac (now spelled, in honor of Benjamin Franklin, like he spelled his: Poor...
Author: mickjogger (Richard Limacher)
What Ever Happened To […] #1011
[In keeping with, or trying to restore, “the spirit of Bad Joke Fridays,” I’ve decided to chip in the following “take” on all these currently wildly exotic–and damned expensive!–versions of excursions that equally wildly exotic race directors are now concocting. Never mind just Badwater and MdS, now sullenly we have this: Click on...
Ultra Relationship News – No. 9 – “Commando”
[Actually, despite what another lister posted yesterday about THAT day being “Bad Joke Friday,” it’s TODAY that is our often highly touted BJF—which a few of us know and love, but almost all of us, apparently, haven’t missed. So let me do my part to try to revive it. The following conversation actually had its...
Real Men/Women of Genius #11
[I know what I said last week, but this is in honor of all those fine folks out there currently marking Hardrock trail in the San Juan Range] Ingelhook Wineries present… REAL WOMEN OF GENIUS {Real gals of geeeeeene-yuss} Today we raise our glass to you, Madam “This Is My Mountain; You Need To...
What Ever Happened To […] #1010
[So. Here I was all set to post up yet another abomination of rhetoric, language, and good taste, when WHAM: I spied an email in my Inbox from Tim Butterfield. And OMG! This has entirely forced me to change plans, scrap the rhetoric, and concoct new “language.” Right. And, yes, I do want to...
Ultra Relationship News – No. 8 – “Grape!” [Part 2]
[Continued from Part 1] STRAW: Oh YASSS! I take… and I… slowly… calmly—a’ corse my ticker’s poundin’ away inside my chest and my you-know-what’s acting like a tent pole… so I’m arching up like a carport… and… EDDIE: …you slip the grape in? STRAW: Yup! EDDIE: Cool! So, how’s it taste? STRAW: At this point,...
Real Men/Women of Genius #10
Bud Light presents… REAL MEN OF GENIUS {Real men of geeeeeene-yuss} Today we salute you, Mr. “This List Is My Press Agent” Partially Famous Guy. {Mister Meeeeee-dia 15-minutes-of-fame type guuuuuy!} You don’t care what WE think. You never joined our Listserv to listen to US. You signed onto this electronical sign-on sheet strictly for...
What Ever Happened To […] #1009
[And now to try and go back to take up the slack…] The Lincoln Administraction Presents… WHAT EVER HAPPENED TO [“After You”] ? Because today, it’s all ME. Me first! You AFTER me! What I get out of life is most important to ME! Not you. The heck with YOU! It’s like “me radio.”...
Ultra Relationship News – No. 8 – “Grape!” [Part 1]
[Sorry to have been away last week. I was simply doing myself what all these goofy characters are supposed to be doing: RUNNING. I went to Peoria, Illy-noise, which I like to refer to as Pee-Town, and ran a footrace there. And THIS is all you need to know about THAT. It was horrible. I...
Real Men/Women of Genius #9
Bud Light presents… REAL MEN OF GENIUS {Real men of geeeeeene-yuss} You have been waiting for this one for one whole week. {What have we been misssssssssssing?} Today we salute you, Mr. Can’t-Be-Bothered-To-Tell-Anybody-I’m-Quitting-When-I-Quit Dad. {Mister… hey, is THIS the hubby of last week’s psycho-mama with the bear-bait twins?} Of course it’s an “inconvenience.” Of...