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The Troubadour is most happy to hear from you, but you won’t actually be sending your emails to any ancient, still barely alive, medieval “troubadour.”  No, they’ll be going to Rich Limacher (who’s still very much with us) at the following email address:  Rich at troubadoings DOT com (or use the contact form below).
All input is most welcome!  What you submit can range from encouragement, to suggesting better ideas, to wholesale condemnation.  Just be aware that some of what you say—by the very fact that you’re saying it, and submitting it to a public forum—might just be published, and printed HERE, somewhere, in some forum of this public forum yet to be invented; like, maybe, “Letters To The Editor”?
So, you know, watch your language and use your spell-checker.
Best wishes and thanks for your input, no matter what it is.
The (“pardon our dust”) Management


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